Things I like about the iphone

I am lacking in moral fibre, and finally got myself an iphone this week. I’ve wanted one for months, but O2 decided that I needed to learn the value of patience, and kept me waiting for my contract to finish.

There are a lot of things to like about it.

  • Bluetooth works nicely – with my little in ear headset for calls, with the stereo headphones for music, and with the car. I had the stereo headphones with me to the gym tonight, and had a carefree wirefree evening. Great!
  • It is a lovely small but functional internet browsing device.
  • In addition to my own music and videos, BBC iplayer streams beautifully on it (using wifi), but even on lesser connections it was happy to stream radio in the gym over the internet.
  • It’s a terribly clever controller for games. There are some where you turn and twist it in your hands to control things, and others where controls get drawn on the smooth surface and can be as complex or simple as the game requires.
  • It has some clever apps, and some useful apps, and some that are both, and some that are neither, but I’ve been impressed so far.
  • It has good taste in shuffling! It picked Lee Morgan’s The Sidewinder for me to run too, following by Mark Ronson’s God put a smile on your face. Instrumentals are great to run to, since you don’t have to put any effort into singing along (mainly silently when I’m in public, thank goodness).

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One Response to “Things I like about the iphone”

  1. drinking the cocoa | wee doors banging Says:

    […] Second on my shopping list was an iPhone 3GS 16Gb. Second only because I had to wait for Vodafone to make them available on the 14th of January. In an entirely unrelated incident, Norwin got one too. […]