Technology Trouble
Friday, March 6th, 2009I’m just going to recount this sad tale of woe, to get it off my chest. Sorry folks, but it’s good therapy 😉
- My ipod charger doesn’t want to work in America. That’s odd, because it worked fine in Japan.
- But that’s okay, because my little laptop works fine when plugged into the wall. So I can charge my ipod from the laptop. Crude, but workable.
- When I plug the ipod into the laptop, Amarok comes up. It can see all the music on my ipod. It can also access it to play it. Clever.
- But when I go out for breakfast this morning, my ipod says that it has no music on it. NO MUSIC!! It actually still has all the music, but can no longer play it.
- A bit of googling discovers that Amarok does this to ipods. How clever of it.
- So I need to upgrade Amarok on my laptop.
- But on upgrading, I run out of file space (it’s a very small laptop).
- Fixing the upgrade just doesn’t work – it’s gone too badly wrong.
- So I had to restore my laptop from a backup on a memory stick, that I always carry with the laptop.
- And then upgraded Amarok.
- Twice, since the upgrade failed the first time due to network issues.
- And I’ve set the appropriate id in the Amarok config.
- And now I’ve got all my music back.
- Though I seem to have spent quite a lot of time in my hotel room.
Sorry to share with you, but it is enormously frustrating.
BUT at least there’s a happy ending!